Four women hugging


Step into the depths of darkness with us, where every step is a dance of connection. Fireflies at Dawn invites you to embark on a journey of discovery, where emotions take flight and senses awaken to the soft rustle of wings.

This enchanting dance theatre piece weaves together the threads of inclusivity, and self-expression, exploring the richness of our shared humanity and the strength found in our search for connection. This delicate interplay of sound and motion invites you to discover the lived experience of blind and visually impaired people and to pay attention to how we connect to our senses, ourselves and others. Witness the power of vulnerability in this emotional and sensory show.

Co-created and performed by visually impaired and sighted dancers, Fireflies at Dawn continues the company’s investigation into how and why we move and dance. The show uses embedded audio description, sounds, lights and touch as well as innovative new wearable technology, echome – to enhance movement perceptions for both performers and audiences alike.

Join us in this visual and aural experience as we journey through the dark forest, guided by the gentle hum of fireflies, leading us towards more freedom and understanding.

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Map & Directions

Fireflies At Dawn


The Studio, Morley Street, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 1AJ
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Tel01274 303340

Opening Times

Season (11 June 2024)

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